Monday, June 6, 2011

Just watched Marwencol....

...and am feeling impaired myself, as if I had the brain damage suffered by the documentary's subject.

Seriously, been feeling more anxious lately, especially as the day goes on. I'm relatively okay in the morning, and I've learned that if I need to go out I should try and do it in the morning. Otherwise I get the willies and end up putting off whatever it is.

I've had trouble lately with aggressive drivers in parking lots, panhandlers, and various other issues. I've started driving an extra 15-20 minutes to a suburb to do some of the shopping, just because it's cleaner and there is less likelihood of an incident.

There has been more to apply to lately, so I guess that is good. It would be better if I could figure out a way to not appear so overqualified.

Almost finished with SKIPPY DIES. I'd say finishing it will be the biggest accomplishment I've had lately, other than maybe finally getting a handle on the dirty dishes and managing to prepare dinner for the last few weeks.

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