Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Dream Life

I haven't remembered my dreams much over this past year or so. I seem to get the bare minimum amount of sleep necessary to function, but only lately have I felt rested and slept deeply enough to remember many of my dreams. My dream life has not yet caught up to my real one. I still am married in my dreams, and make decisions based on how they'll affect both of us, worrying about things that my spouse probably won't like or agree with. Speaking of which, we are approaching the one year anniversary of my divorce being final.

I'm curious how long it will be before my dreams catch up to reality, before they will start to reflect the world I'm in now. My cell phone is pretty common in my dreams at this point, I don't know how many times I've dreamt about posting to Instagram or Facebook. It stands to reason that eventually my relaitonship status would make its way to my subconscious.

I did dream about someone I dated at the beginning of the year and with whom things ended badly, but thankfully ended just the same[bullet dodged.] I really told them off in my dream, so in that sense I guess I got closure. That is a common theme when I do remember my dreams, being able to really let loose and tell someone what I really think. Maybe it's something i should emulate in real life...

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