Thursday, May 20, 2010

No new tale to tell.

Waiting for a call from the bank about some check images I need in order to get everything sent off to the state. I had told the person I was going to get them something about a week ago, but at the time I thought everything could be easily obtained online. This was true for one of our bank accounts but not for the other one, and unfortunately that was the one that was the most important one.

Update: they called, I'm picking it up today. I'm hoping this will all be over with pretty soon. It isn't really that big of a deal, but it still is stressful and makes me nervous. I can only imagine what this would be like for someone who either was hiding something or had done something wrong due to not knowing any better [very easy to do for the average person, especially the small business owners who most often get into tax trouble] and was dealing with the possibility of having a significant tax liability as a result.

I guess it's similar to how regular citizens feel uncomfortable whenever they have some kind of encounter with police. Same thing, really. It's probably harder to "accidentally" get into serious legal trouble, but it's fairly easy for someone to end up on the wrong side of the IRS or a state or local tax agency. Incidentally, most tax people will tell you that it's a lot easier to deal with the IRS than state or local tax authorities. I'm hoping for the best.

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