Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Forgot to mention

One good way to pick yourself up when getting disappointing job news is to go give blood. Not just because it makes you feel good to do something for others, but because if your blood center is anything like mine, they give you lots of tasty treats afterward.

I have weird blood [it's negative for some kind of antibody that most of the population tests positive for--one of those weird conditions that most people have and never realize it] that is good to use for people with compromised immune systems, so generally the blood bank is always calling and pestering me to come in as soon as I'm eligible to donate.

Another benefit, I can take it more or less easy today without guilt.

Actually, I have yet another interview with a recruiter today. Doubt it will amount to much, but of course, it's something to put on the UE form, and it's usually hard to find stuff to apply to during holiday weeks.

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