Saturday, March 26, 2011

Worst case scenario.

Yep...everything we were afraid of is happening. All the dire predictions were true.
Stress level is already high and getting worse. I'm starting to have chest discomfort that hopefully is just stress related. I'm seeing the doctor next week while I still have healthcare benefits.

Need a job pretty soon. Good news is that I have an interview next week, although I'm going to have to seriously upgrade my dormant Excel skills by then---and those skills were never great to begin with, they are probably intermediate at best. I can cut and paste, format cells, and can fumble through a few of the more advanced functions.

Only good thing is that I continue to get an interview a month. Oh, in other fun news, I took the county accounting test yesterday, so we can start the fun of those terrible interviews again. I wonder if I'll get to interview with the same guy a third time [I've interviewed with him twice already.] I hope to have another job before that.

Just started the final extension of unemployment. There will be no more, I know some of my unemployed brethren are holding out hope that they will create another tier of benefits, but I'm not holding my breath.

I have some library books, but I'm re-reading THE LONELY POLYGAMIST. Liking it more this time around.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A final post, perhaps....

Still don't know anything about the impending disaster, other than that it is still pending and it is still disastrous. We will probably not attempt to have me performing caregiver duties, which may just as well considering that I'm someone who has trouble cleaning shower tile. I need to find a job, fast, and unfortunately now I can't really look anywhere other than here.

I have a lot of good books to read, and am exciting to get started. That's about as good as I can expect now. I guess I will stop this for the time being. Maybe at some point in the future I will start it up again.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A possible hiatus.

It looks like there may be bad times ahead. I don't want to go into details, but major health issues may be hitting our household soon, and if so things are going to change a lot. I may have to suspend my job search and take care of responsibilities at home for an indefinite period. My wife and I will discuss possible courses of action once we have a better idea what we're facing. BTW, neither of us are the ones with the health issues, but we're pretty much the only responsible parties who can help out with them.

Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. It's another situation where it would have been so much easier if I'd been the one with the job right now. This blog isn't really something that people read, it's more of a diary for me, but I'm probably going to stop posting at least for a while.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happily disappointed, pt. 2

...also found out that one of the other accounting jobs I'd applied to in my home state has also apparently been filled, although I never got any kind of notification about it [par for the course these days unless someone is brought in for an interview, and as we've seen, sometimes even if they are interviewed...]

As I said, it looks like the emergency last resort backup plan is not going to be viable. Bummer, but maybe at least it'll get family off my back about why don't I just move back there....

Happily disappointed.

I got an e-mail from that smaller college job, saying they decided to move forward with candidates who were a better match. I have mixed feelings, I didn't want to move back there, but it is a scary indicator. I had all the requirements mentioned in the ad. I'd say the only issues were that my work experience wasn't directly relevant [tax is the accounting equivalent of majoring in English] and that my CPA license was inactive and from another state [but this didn't involve actually practicing public accounting.]

I'm hoping that maybe they were already kind of in the final stages of the recruiting process and didn't really need to consider anyone else. Perhaps my not already living there was a problem too.

What is scary about it is that we've been saying all this time that, "Well, if all else fails I can always move back to my home state and easily find a job there since unemployment is so much lower." Now it looks like that may not work either. I guess I'll go back to my original plan---once unemployment runs out this summer [and I am about to hit the final stage of benefits, so that's coming up] I'll just try to temp and work however I can for however much I can get, and continue to look for full-time work. This is what it's come down to. I am in the exact same position I was in about 15 years ago, before I got on with the Federal Agency Known for Workplace Violence. It's depressing.