Thursday, August 18, 2011

Showing some balls....and then regretting it.

The county called *again* today and it was the same frickin' Auditor/Tax Collector office where I've interviewed three times now with the same people [and five times with the county overall.] I decided I was tired of going through all of this so I explained to the lady that I had interviewed there five times and it was obvious I didn't have the experience they were looking for, so I was going to pass. I think she was a little surprised.

It felt good, but now I'm starting to wonder if I should have gone ahead and interviewed. Maybe if it had been one of the other county offices, but this one has turned into a farce due to my interviewing there so many times.

Also have a paranoid thought that maybe they were offering me a job out of the blue, but why would they do that without interviewing again....I don't remember that they actually said interview, but I'm sure they did.

Really don't want to be here anymore, but in a difficult situation as far as preparing to leave....

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