Monday, November 15, 2010

"My own personal pants..."

This looks like the worst month ever as far as blogging. BTW, remember that stupid car ad back in 2008 when one of the car companies advertised that they would take their car back if you bought it and then lost your job? This ad was in response to that ad, where the spokesperson joked "That sounds like the worst day ever..." to lose your job, then come home and tell your spouse that you've got to go turn the car in to the dealership. I can't remember what their solution was for the newly-jobless car buyer. Anyway, for months afterward my wife and I would joke about something sounding "like the worst day ever..." And we had a lot of things that we could talk about being "the worst ever", since that was my year at The Big Firm. Man, what a crappy year that was, each day I face consequences of it.

Whoa. Didn't mean to do that. All I meant to say that I haven't been blogging much this month.

I had to go to the Christian mechanic today because I was getting gas last night at Costco and some moron said it looked like the car was leaking coolant [turned out it was not, costing me a little over $20 extra because people can't mind their own business while pumping gas.] I needed to get an oil change anyway. He's this Italian-American sounding guy who has religious tracts all over his shop. Apparently, though, he's Adventist, not Catholic--we got into a short discussion about the End Times this morning. Which is funny because I first heard about him from a devoutly Catholic friend of my father-in-law. Anyway, apparently he was all bent out of shape because he hadn't been getting clean work pants from whatever company it is mechanics use to obtain their work clothes, and he kept telling the person on the phone that he was "tired of having to wear my own personal pants to work...." Some guy came over from the company and he gave him an earful over it too, about his "personal pants."

That's all I really have. I am really hitting a slump in my life these days. I'm even having trouble enjoying reading. I feel like something needs to happen soon.

I am hoping to get a call from the last people to interview me sometime this week, I'm assuming if I don't hear anything it's another "no."

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