Monday, July 18, 2011

What's changed?


I'm close to my birthday again, I'm depressed again, I have zero work prospects, the only thing different is that I'm on my last week of unemployment benefits, so things are going to be very tight from here on out. Only good part is I have more options. I can go part time and I can temp without worrying about having my benefits messed up. Going to try HR Block, it won't pay anything but I can at least stay sort of in my field. I hate my field, but it is the only area where I am nominally employable.

Going to force myself to do all the crap I hate doing, just to have something to put on the resume [joining a networking group of other unemployed people--not sure how good that is going to be.]

In years past, there used to be more career options for people with different personality types. Now it seems like you have to be a Type A or you don't work. You have to have a certain skill set or you don't work. No wonder everyone overeats, drinks, gambles, etc. It is a one size fits one world, and we're all trying to force a fit.

Reading Jo Nesbo and Henning Mankell, and a few other things. Hard to focus on things I enjoy these days.

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