Thursday, May 6, 2010

The hangover

I’ve been through this a few times before, it is never fun. First you say that it’s okay and that you’re okay, as was the case with my last post. Then it starts to hit. I think the main thing is just tiredness—I suppose it’s the feeling a person gets when they put a lot of energy into something and not have it work out. I feel drained. I was in a state of readiness for the last month, and now it is catching up with me.

Any time something like this doesn’t work out I wonder what’s going to happen when my 99 weeks [if I am lucky enough to actually get the full amount of benefits] of unemployment is up. In some ways, I will have more options…I will be able to take part-time, temporary, and seasonal work. I will probably take the CPA and graduate degree off my resume, depending. It’s frustrating knowing that all of the work that went into those achievements may have wound up being for nothing. But that hasn’t happened yet, and maybe it won’t.

But the thought will not exit my mind, I may be one of those people who never really has a career, just seasonal work H&R Block type work and temp gigs.

I did post to a few government jobs this week, though. Maybe something will come through later this summer.

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