Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's okay, really....

I guess I just needed to get that out of my system last week, like the flu.

I'm better now. Just want to get through this week, I have to go to the damned mechanic's yet again tomorrow to get my wife's car fixed [both cars required repairs at pretty much the exact same time] and she's got to go away for a work conference a couple of days this week so I am bummed about that. We'd planned on my going at first, but her boss told her it wasn't okay for some bullshit reason. We thought about doing it anyway [my being there would not cause the alleged "problem" her boss is concerned about] but decided not to risk giving any more cause for strained relations at work.
Maybe when she's been there a while longer it will be easier to kind of disregard stupid shit the boss says, especially regarding stuff that isn't really anyone's business other than ours. Anyway, I will feel much better when she gets home later this week.

I'll probably just try to read, watch some crappy movies, maybe drink a little. I don't know. It's odd, that was how I spent the vast majority of my time before I got married, but these days the notion of doing this even for just a couple of days depresses me.

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