Thursday, June 2, 2011

Which month was the cruelest?

Can't remember, and am too lazy to Google.

A temp accounting position is open at the air pollution control place, so I applied. Maybe slightly better odds than the last job. I had my "feedback session" yesterday. It wasn't that bad, my main problem is that I did not elaborate enough about certain topics [namely teamwork ability and people skills, which coincidentally happen to be my key weaknesses.] The HR lady was encouraging, she said there was really nothing negative or wrong, just not enough information in certain areas. She encouraged me to apply for the temporary position. Apparently it's common for people to make multiple attempts at getting a job with this agency. Might as well.

Rediscovering Stephen King, after being involved in some online discussion regarding him. He's always going to be a big part of my reading life, one of my favorite early adolescent memories is first starting to read him around age 11-12, walking home from the library with a ton of Stephen King books. Is he the most polished writer? No.
But his stories have one key element a lot of "better" writers lack: the King reader almost always wants to know how the story ends.

I believe I have maybe six or seven weeks of unemployment. I still believe something will work out, it just may not work out in the way that I thought it would.

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