Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Breaking promises....

I've been reading, but decided to just update on the interviews. Or interview.

The first interview at the family run CPA firm went pretty well. If I were to remain in public accounting, it would probably be the best place for me--a variety of experience, but with no crazy hours. The partner seemed to like me, but they are just starting the recruiting process and are unsure how they're going to proceed. I am pretty confident that I will be called for a second interview, they do not seem concerned with most of the things that usually trip me up.

The other interview turned out to not be an interview, but an oral examination. The top scorers will be called for the actual interview, at some future date yet to be determined. I did okay, but among the best? Not really sure. This pays more than accounting, but may have limited transferability when we do eventually get out of here for good. Believe it or not, I may be favoring the first job.

I ended up cancelling the third interview [with the county] because I need to be available to help with wife with some things that day. I'm not too worried about skipping the interview. The county's recruiting methods pretty much seem to guarantee that I won't ever get a job there, and this particular agency was the worst of all. I see familiar faces just about every time I go to interview, so I think there are a large group of people like me who score well on the accounting exam but don't have the experience to be considered for the job. They really need to either require more experience to take the exam or else lower the experience requirements for the job.

Reading Henning Mankell. Not as good as Harry Hole, but still pretty good. I'm really getting into Scandinavian crime novels, and as many have discovered, just about all of the lesser-known series out there are way better than the overrated GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. Mankell seems to be profiting from the popularity of it, although he perversely has ended his series now that the time would be ripe to reap the benefits from it. I guess it would be good to include a link to his webpage even though I don't think my Imaginary Reader will be all that interested in clicking on it.

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