Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday blues

We saw a job way, way, out of state today and thought about applying, but it would be a really difficult thing. My wife and I would probably have to be separated for a year or more. Getting this house ready to put on the market is really a two person job, minimum. If I leave, the odds are it wouldn't happen, and I'd just have to move back again. Also, my unhappiness on having to be alone would probably translate to lack of interest and self-sabotage at whatever job i got. Anyway, I decided not to apply.

Just wish like hell I could find some kind of job here where we are.

I've made so many mistakes. I feel like at some point we should be given the chance to rectify things, especially when the mistakes involve things like taking the wrong job or going about a career change the wrong way. It's not like I've committed a crime or something. But it sure feels that way sometimes.

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