Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thinking back....

One year ago, I was getting ready for an interview with the Federal Agency Everyone Hates. I had to fly on short notice to a city in the Northwest, book a hotel, etc, all for an interview that ended up being maybe 30 minutes tops. And obviously, I ended up not getting the job. The job would have been miserable, and my wife and I had about decided to turn it down had I ended up being offered it. But that's how desperate we were at the time, my wife had not gotten her current job and we were having to subsist on my unemployment and my father-in-law helping with the bills.

I am hoping to get good news today, maybe later this morning. If not, well, I've been in this situation before, although this time will sting particularly hard. The other jobs I've tried for were all jobs that would be a stretch for me at my current level of experience and ability, and I am not sure I would have succeeded at any of them. None of them were really willing to train me. This is genuinely an entry level opportunity.

I woke up at 2:30 this morning thinking about this and never got back to sleep. I really hope to hear something today, one way or the other. I feel like I almost have to, they want someone to start on Monday.

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