Friday, April 30, 2010

More stuff to talk about....

No calls….in the past it has taken a couple of weeks between stages of the interview process with the casino people, so I am not really worried. If this doesn’t work out, something else will.

The library supposedly has THE LONELY POLYGAMIST by Brady Udall in transit. I’m excited about it, I was hoping to finish vol. 1 of my Civil War odyssey before starting it, but I’m only halfway through vol. 1 and the Udall book may arrive tomorrow. It’s an epic length novel about a contemporary polygamist and his troubles. Udall has polygamist ancestors and has always been interested in the subject. If it sounds like the HBO series BIG LOVE that is not a coincidence, there is a very strong likelihood the series was based on something Udall wrote for Esquire about twelve years ago. He considered suing, but his agent said that would really mess up his personal life. Hopefully he will get the last laugh, there is a ton of buzz surrounding this book.

I actually like BIG LOVE a lot too, although the series has really gone off the deep end.

I loved his last novel, THE MIRACLE LIFE OF EDGAR MINT. Back when I worked at Borders I made it one of my Staff Picks and it sold a few copies which I was really happy about. That was something I liked about that job, doing staff picks and seeing people buy the books I selected. Some of the ones I picked sold at least 10-12 copies, although EDGAR MINT was not one of those. By the time I left, they had discontinued employee picks, they wanted to push some kind of “official” company picks [most likely paid for by the publishers.]

Surprisingly, I liked working at Borders for the most part. I ended up actually being pretty good at it, although working the register stressed me out I would often get comments on how good I was with customers. It all went sour when I transferred stores after we moved---the new store was not a book oriented store, and it was very poorly ran. I couldn’t get the support I needed to do my job, so I ended up quitting during the holiday rush. I guess it was a crappy thing to do, but I wasn’t being treated very well either.

I’m also getting some Harvey Pekar stuff, which is something I will probably write further on tomorrow.

We’re waiting from a call from the vet, my father-in-law’s dogs are having dental work and other stuff done today and it is an all day affair.

Today is the last day of my tenth month of unemployment. I still really feel optimistic that I will have some kind of breakthrough over the next couple of months. Even if I don’t, supposedly it looks good as far as my getting an extension at least till the end of this year, which means I would be receiving benefits well into 2011. I don’t want to have to do that, though. I’m tired of the job hunt and the paperwork that goes along with collecting unemployment.

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