Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A dry spell

I'm having a lot of trouble putting together enough things to apply to for this two week period. The job vacancies just don't seem to be there, but I will persevere.
Going to have to re-apply to some things that were reposted. Obviously I am not what they're looking for [even though I really would be a fit for some of them even according to their criteria] but at least it's something to put on the UE form.

I completed an assessment today for yet another job with the Federal Agency Everyone Hates. This job is a particularly unpopular one, which is saying something. Still has very tight competition. I don't particularly care one way or another about it, but it starts in January, and that is around the time that my unemployment will probably be ending for good.

I'm a little over a hundred pages into FREEDOM. Pretty good, actually easier for me to get into than THE CORRECTIONS, probably because it is from a single point of view and so there aren't a bunch of shifting narratives which can sometimes suck the energy out of a book.

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