Apparently the Klingon and/or Romulan Empires have finally prevailed over the U.S.S. Enterprise, the Star Trek slot machines are no more. We asked a slot attendant and were told they'd been moved out. I was not surprised, the machines didn't seem all that popular, and generally those who played were disgruntled at how fast their money was being taken by the machine. We found a new one, though, called Time Machine which I really enjoyed playing. Didn't win, but got a decent amount of play for my $20. Also everyone got their lunch comped--none of us really had earned it, but I think the casino host decided to be nice.
I've been on a 50s Sci Fi kick lately, and was happy to see the giant ant classic THEM! on Turner Classic tonight. My father-in-law humored me and agreed to watch it and promptly fell asleep after about 30 minutes. Giant radioactive ants wreaking havoc in Los Angeles and other places, what's not to like? It actually got an Oscar nomination for special effects, which aren't all that bad considering it was 1954. Actually I've noticed a lot of the effects in those movies [the bigger budget ones] are actually pretty good, they don't seem nearly as fake as all the computer generated stuff today. Well, I mean, assuming you buy into the whole giant ant thing in the first place.
I'm expecting another one via Netflix tomorrow, THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS. I'm guessing this will not be one with relatively good special effects.
Library Book Saturday still going to happen later today, after I sleep and stuff.
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