Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quote from the Job Interview of the Year.

"We got rid of some clients because they were assholes. And life's too short to deal with assholes."

Got a call at 9 this morning for an interview at a CPA firm I'd applied to a couple of weeks ago. Talked with the guy this afternoon for about an hour and a half. Much better than the previous interviews. I think after the misery of the governmental job, interview process this seemed much easier. It's easier to just talk with someone, ask and answer questions, etc., instead of an oral examination.

As usual, we shall see. Lots of competition, but sounds like having my license is a definite plus. It's a tiny firm, but they've been around a while. Pretty much seems to be the polar opposite of the Big Firm. Who knows...some things I can tell may end up being sticking points, but I can probably manage to hang on a couple of years if I can do good work.

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