Thursday, August 12, 2010

The sticking points.

So the job yesterday sounds like an okay opportunity. It would be a good way to get some much-needed diverse experience. It sounds like although it's a small firm, he has things laid out really well as far as giving instructions on how to do everything, and making himself available for questions.

Two major cons: It's public accounting. I'm willing to give this a chance, but ultimately this is not what I see myself doing. Too much of the work in public accounting is about selling and networking.

That brings me to the second con. I am going to be expected to join things and network in an attempt to bring in business. That's new to me, a place where they expect a new hire to "make rain." I think it's something that would be a gradual transition, but over time that might be a real problem. I don't want to join things or "network."

It is funny, I don't care one way or the other if I get this, if I do I will take it if I have nothing else going on [don't really know what's going to happen with the Federal Agency Everybody Hates--some people have been hired but I don't know if they are finished in my area or not, some places are very far behind and haven't called anyone yet.] I will take the job under that circumstance, but will probably do it with an assumption that it's not going to be more than 1-2 years, and I will probably continue to try to get hired by the feds. Pay and benefits are much more, and long term there's just more opportunity.

Of course, the odds are good that I could end up not getting any offer at all, in which case it's back to the drawing board.

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